Tuesday, 3 December 2019


The only way that I found is to manually import the jar file into my repository but this is not a option for me. I never used it, but you could give the oracle maven repo a try: Use dependency with system scope You can have the jar as part of your project and point at it via the system scope for that dependency. Is there any maven repository which I can use to download the wlclient. Hello, I am facing the same situation with the same exception, anyone knows the answer, or how can one go around it and still use wlclient. UnmarshalException when a client application using the thin-client. This method is similar to the 'Use Dependency with system scope' mentioned by A. wlclient jar

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wlclient jar

The strange thing is that it is not happening in all situation, in my case, it only happens when i pass an mar with larger length then 1 as a remote method parameter, and not even then for all the types, there are some arrays of some types serviced perfectly fine. The Listen Address default value of null allows it to "listen on all configured network interfaces".

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Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Active 3 years, 9 months ago. But I'm wondering if it is any possible way to use the library wlclient. Both solutions however affect the portability of your build build would fail if someone tries to build it outside of your company network or team.

Improving the question-asking experience. I need to use wlclient. It said that this problem did not occur when using weblogic. The smaller footprint is obtained by using:. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Do you know is there any maven public repository with already published wlclient. You can then add the library as standard maven dependency. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

Who among you feels worthy enough to be my best friend? Di Matteo, except that it has the added benefit of being able to use any scope and not just 'system'. This solution has quicker set-up, but lower maintainability though.

wlclient jar

Asked 3 years, 9 months ago. As such, everything will be automated and even more portable. I never used it, but you could give the oracle maven repo a try: How do we handle problem users? Hello, I am facing the same situation with the same exception, anyone knows the answer, or how can one go around it and still jat wlclient.

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Another alternative is to create an in-project repository. But when we try to replace this library with wlclient. The only way that I found is to manually import the jar file into my repository but this is not a option wlcllient me. This solution is more portable, requires much less set-up, but again it needs to be maintained and requires a check-in of the concerned library as part of your versioned project some may strongly disagree on this practice.

Does not support automatic client reconnect for releases prior to WebLogic Server 9.

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Email Required, but never shown. However, as above, you should make sure to replicate the same set up on any CI server and any team mate machine as well. You should rename the jar though in order to be compliant with Maven conventions. It has lower performance than T3 protocol capable clients Install, Thin T3, or Fullespecially with non-persistent messaging. Or some value objects?

Use instead of (BEA/Weblogic forum at Coderanch)

Basically, you could run the following command: But now, we would like to wlcliennt the client application with Java Web Start. Install the library in local cache You could use the Maven Install Plugin and install the library to your local cache, as shown by this official example.

The code was modified to address this problem".

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