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Tuesday 9 April Monday 9 September The full album was officially released July 12, , in multiple formats. Log in now to tell us what you think this song means. Monday 6 May revenge by danger mouse and sparklehorse

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Dark Night of the Soul (album) - Wikipedia

Our highlights from Reading Festivalfrom rock and roll to getting rickrolled Fest. Monday 19 August Hurting someone you love for revenge is like hurting yourself.

Tuesday 4 June In earlyit was announced that Dark Night of the Soul was slated sparklehore a tentative summer release, even though the CD-R version had been available since the previous May. Wednesday 11 September Friday 20 September For legal Reasons, enclosed CD-R contains no music.

revenge by danger mouse and sparklehorse

Friday 28 June Friday 23 August Sunday 14 April Why is every single thing about a fucking love story? Saturday 20 April Do you know the lyrics for this track? General Comment "Somehow forgiveness lets the evil sparklehorde the laws" Think this is an important line. Wednesday 3 April It's no exaggeration to say Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse have crafted a near-masterpiece. Thursday 26 September Thursday 1 August Dark Night of the Soul ".

Retrieved May 12, Friday 5 July I think this song describes those situations in which the inertia of our own humanity sabotages our plans of revenge - the dull resistance to cruel intentions which comes from our inability to switch off our own power of compassion - a kind of brake in our bodies or hearts that stops us actually carrying out all the dark fantasies that I can run through "in my mind" or head.

Thursday 25 July Trying to let them know the frustration you're feeling.

The New York Times. Wednesday 17 April Add your thoughts 11 Comments. Wednesday 17 July Thursday 22 August Saturday 13 July General Comment I think this is about taking revenge on the world fuckers and the meaningless of it.

revenge by danger mouse and sparklehorse

Retrieved July 19, Monday 17 June Sunday 16 June Thursday 16 May Without going into detail, EMI acknowledged the legal dispute and released the following statement:.

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