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In most cases, the MaxMobile PBX feature set exceeds the capabilities of any current phone system you may have in place today. Alti-Select Dial enables dialing from any windows application with the use a single hot-key. Required account codes — If your extension was configured to require account codes for outbound calls, you are prompted you to enter a code for each outbound call. The data is collected from midnight. MaxOutlook also lets you see the incoming calls that have a matching record in the Contact list. You can then answer the call or perform other actions. maxagent altigen

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Altigen MaxAgent User Manual

MaxOutlook is integrated into Microsoft Outlook. NET soft phone application. In most cases, the MaxMobile PBX feature set exceeds the capabilities of any current phone system you may have in place today.

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Page 49 Click New. MaxACD takes control of the call and plays the recorded phrase associated with that campaign. Showing Or Hiding Columns Checked amxagent will be displayed. Page 2 This is a criminal offense. With Improved features and enhanced capabilities you can sharpen the performance of AltiGen's already robust feature list.

Click the column heading again to sort in the reverse order.

VoIP Client Software |

Maxwgent most cases, the MaxMobile PBX feature set exceeds the capabilities of any current phone system you may have in place today.

Call Recording is a server application which allows all calls, designated calls or a sampling of calls to be automatically recorded and stored in a secure database. AltiGen's distributed architecture has been designed so they can communicate as if they were located in the same building with a single telephone system.

Configuring Max Smart Tags History tab. If altgien click a column heading, and all the data in that column is the same, MaxAgent keeps the sort order of the previously clicked column. Click the list and select a Group ID. MaxSupervisor is a Windows. When you have a message marked urgent, the MaxAgent icon in the Windows tray and in the MaxAgent title bar becomes a red envelope, and the Voicemail indicator in the status bar bears a red circle.

NET soft phone application. Enter text from picture: Making Conference Calls Recording on Demand When the system administrator has set your extension to record on demand to a central location or to your voicemailyou can use MaxAgent to initiate the recording. Installing Maxagent For Lync Alternatively, if your system administrator has loaded MaxAgent for Lync on a shared network server, you can copy the files in the MaxAgent for Lync folder and the Shared folder to your desktop machine and run the MaxAgent for Lync Setup program.

MaxOutlook is integrated into Microsoft Outlook. Some options may not be available to you.

VoIP Client Software

With multiple display options such as charts, graphs, gauges and numerical statistics, and the ability to set alerting conditions, MaxInSight helps to insure that your call center is operating at peak efficiency. You can adjust MaxAgent and Lync window sizes. Also available is the VR Manager application for retrieval, reporting, and managing the centralized recorded audio files. Multiple messages can be recorded for different calling campaigns and the agent never has to leave a fatigued or poor voice message again.

Also See for MaxAgent Manual - pages. Also available is the VR Manager application for retrieval, reporting, and macagent the centralized recorded audio files.

maxagent altigen

MaxAgent shrinks to an icon in the tray maxageht the lower right corner of your screen. Multiple messages can be recorded for different calling campaigns and the agent never has to leave a fatigued or poor voice message again.

Then drag to resize the column. Page 42 38 MaxAgent for Lync Manual With Unified Messaging, employees are more productive and the cost of separate systems is eliminated.

MaxAgent for Lync Manual MaxOutlook also lets you see the incoming calls that have a matching record in the Contact list. Comments to this Manuals Your Name:

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